Monday, March 7, 2011

storage wars, how it translates to world of warcraft gold making

        Hello again, today I will be writing about a show, called Storage Wars. Now you may be asking yourself what does a tv show on A&E have anything to do with making gold in world of warcraft, the answer is quite simple you can translate the the people from storage wars into running your auction house business in the video game. Now we will be talking about the main 4 people in storage wars dave, darell, jarrod, and barry.

We will go in order i guess, a dave is a person or auctioneer who has a large bankroll but they also have that mindset that if you get in my way, you're going to get ran over by my big machine that I'm running. They usually have a large scale business, such as all the professions and they have the experience that to back themselves up in the auction house and you also cannot steal these people's money. The reason you cannot steal their money is because they can just move over to different markets and they usually have been playing the auction house for at least 6 months to a few years so they know what is usually profitable and when to switch markets or they know when they can buy and then sell 1-3 months down the road. These kind of people also can and usually will over spend in order to either A. raise the price of an item up or B. to keep other people out of that market.       

The second person, darrell, is the type of person that likes to gamble on flipping big ticket items and usually has a riskier business plan, but they have the capital to sustain their business of item flipping. They usually are after that thrill of making a ton of gold on flipping an epic for 20k that they won on a bid for 8-10k, and they usually have the attitude of gamble big or don't gamble at all and are usually the people that know they can lose big, but can also win big. For example, let's take mysterious fortune cards which are currently going for 25 gold each on my auction house. I know people who have spent thousands of gold on a chance to win 5k gold, these people are abundant on many servers across all of the us realms in the world of warcraft, for clarification you usually will lose if you buy mysterious fortune cards.

The third person we will be talking about is jarrod, now this is the type of person that many people, including myself, find themselves in. They are usually people who are just starting up in the auction house bussiness and don't have a massive amount of gold or more than a couple professions and are usually prone to being called the "bottom feeder" or being one themselves, that means searching for those deals where they cannot lose money because they cannot afford to lose said money. These are also usually the people that undercut people significantly on the auction house so that they can sell their items faster and usually are the people who get bought out by the bigger fish in the pond and are also the people who are willing to take that little to no profit in order to make a larger profit later down the road in the future. These are also the people that remember when the daves and darrells try to push them around in the auction house and will usually mess with a market when they can, for example in one of the episodes the storage auctions were based in las vegas, nevada and jarrod didn't forget what darrell and dave did to him earlier in season 1 by running him up in the storage auction forcing him to make less money and often he went home without stock to stock his shelves of his business. Now what jarrod did was bid both dave and darell up above 300 dollars for both of their units.

Ok the final and last person we will be talking about is Barry. Now barry isn't in the storage auctions/auction house to make money they're there in order to find collectibles. Now how this translates over to wow is that there's these people that most of the wow population call completionists which basically means they want all the professions, at least all of the classes each a different race and they usually want all the different specializations of each profession. Now you can make alot of money off of these people by jacking the price of a rare recipe that you find out questing by 500% and they usually will pay that amount. Now these people also can and in most cases do have a significant amount of wealth to help them do this but they're only after the stuff they don't have so to cater to this you usually need to keep diversifying and getting new items/recipes so that when these completionists look for new recipes they see yours and buy them.

My Thoughts
Now my personal belief is that the majority of us are jarrods, but there's about 2 or 3 daves and darells on the smaller servers and about 10 of them on the larger servers. Now I am not saying go out and classify each auctioneer as these 4 stereotypes, I'm just simply saying that you can make alot of gold by either A. being a dave who controls markets as best they can by buying up everything within reason, B. being the bottom feeder and grabbing up and bidding so that you can supply your professions with mats so that you can craft the items that will eventually make you money, C. taking that chance on an item and absorbing the losses and wins as they come, or D. Catering to the barrys out there who want to complete everything and don't usually care what they cost. Personally I believe it's better to be a combination of a Dave and a Jarrod, which is you have a ton of professions let's say the 6 most profitable professions but you don't have a ton of money behind you, let's say 20k for this example. So you either go out and find someone that can supply you, usually a botter or farmer or you scavenge the AH and when you see that perfect de3al you dive in head first because you know that it's a good find and that you won't see it at that price for a long time. Thanks for reading and please leave a comment below.

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