After reading some other blogs for the past couple of days I noticed that alot of them are using excel spreadsheets, now I'm not against this but I thought I'd throw a little spreadsheet together for myself on google docs. Here is the spreadsheet I made and with the help of the JMTC community on the IRC channel adjusted and tweaked it. To be able to edit it (if i set it up correctly) just make a copy of the spreadsheet and save it to your google account, now let me explain it a little bit the first column is simply the name column where I put all the enchanting scroll names (abreviated and shortened). Colum B is simply the materials needed for each enchant abreviated to save some space (no I do not know why there is a huge gap between columb B1 and B2). Ok now here is the fun part, Column C is hopefully the cost for each scroll if you were to sell it for mats cost on the Auction House. Column D is basically the same thing but with a 20% extra margin. Column E is the difference between both of column D and C and hopefully will be the profit that you can expect to make for each of the scrolls. Column F and G are both the Mats and their costs. Hopefully you will notice that column G has all of its boxes highlight yellow these are the values that you will have to change by putting in the cost of each individual enchanting mat (for example if hypnotic dust costs 5g35s each you will put 5.35 into the yellow box). Hopefully this spreadsheet will help you make gold with enchanting scrolls and get you thinking about the cost of all the steps into making an enchanting scroll.
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