Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Weekly Recap

This past week in world of warcraft I made some head way on the auction house that I have chosen to play on. I also hit level 75 on my dwarf warlock and began to level up alchemy all the way up to 525. As of the writing of this article I am about half way there and am going to tanaris to get the pattern for the philospher's stone so that I can do my transmutes when I get there. I also managed to make a little more than 5-7k gold over the course fo the past couple of days and am now using Zero Auctions in order to post faster (Tsm was slow and really bulky). My next alt that I will be leveling up will be my level 61 death knight which I will stop at 70 and just put herbalism/mining onto him and let him gather everything up to wotlk herbs. After that I've considered all my alts and will go with my level 35 paladin who will probably be taken up to level 85 for blacksmithing and so that I have another character at max level in case I ever get bored of my rogue (which will happen eventually). I will end this weekly update with a question, what are some of the things that you have done over the past week in or outside the world of warcraft?

Monday, March 21, 2011

How I do the obsidium shuffle

Today I got back into my normal routine of prospecting as much as possible on my night elf rogue on sargeras. I also continued with placing bids on lower level greens so that i can disenchant them later on if I should win the auction with a bid. Now back to the topic on hand, the obsidium shuffle, I can get anywhere between 12-600 stacks of ore a day in my mailbox that I routinely go through and prospect and vendor gems. Now you may be asking how I make profit off of this, I only vendor enough gems to pay back each stack of ore. I usually keep out a mix of carnelians and jaspers  and vendor the rest, even if it's the daily gem, because on my server there's alot of stockpilers out there that have stacks and stacks of it and it's just not worth my time unless I'm getting 25g per gem on the daily day. Sometimes I will keep out hessonite/nightstone if I can afford to just to increase my stockpile of rare necks/rings on the auction house. I sell hessonite/nightstone rings 199g, jasper/alicite rings 99g and tanking rings/necks 299g each. This will cover the 1/11 chance of a rare proc on the items and will essentially make the dust/essences free which you can just freely throw them up on the auction house and know you will make a profit (ty z-man for all of your ideas with the shuffle). I then take the carnelians and make carnelian spikes since I do not have an alchemist up to the level to make inferno rubies yet, but once I do I will probably take a portion of uncommon gems from each stack and sell shadow spirit diamond meta gems which net a little more profit than just straight vendoring them. What are some of your ideas on how to make profit with the shuffling of goods?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Importance of AH scans

Unfortunately I got drawn back to sargeras - alliance so my priest who I spent countless hours on will have to wait to get some love. On an even worse note before leaving I gave a fellow gold maker my entiring stock pile that I had on my bank+3 tab guild bank+about 7k gold as I did not see myself coming back to the server, but I found about 4k gold liquid across my toons so I will be using that to get back into the shuffle and my other markets I was in before I left. Now onto the meat of today's post, it is important to scan the auction house with auctioneer/trade skill master (those are the 2 i'm most familiar with so sorry if i missed some) at least twice a day to get up to the date and accurate information about pricing items. Now you may ask yourself how this is important and I will respond to your question with a question of my own have you ever found a recipe that you know is very rare but you have never seen it on the auction house so you don't know what to put it up for? Now this could lead to 2 things either you overprice your item and no one buys it or you underprice your item and you could potentially lose out on a large portion of your profit. I will end this post with a question, while scanning the auction house with your addon of choice, what do you do? Thanks for reading and if you would like me to write a post about a specific topic please post it below in the comments.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


I finally hit level 85 on my human priest on moonrunner, now I can start with getting professions on him up. I have decided to go with tailoring/enchanting as his professions so that they can compliment his class and possibly even craft beginning epic quality gear for myself when/if I decide to begin raiding. Enchanting is probably one of the best if not the best profession to have, because it just compliments almost every profession in the game except a gathering profession. If you have cheap mats and expensive enchanting mats you can just craft and disenchant green gear. I saw this alot from leatherworkers who had an enchanter alt or friend in Wrath of the Lich King, they would just craft some cheap pair of legs or boots (can't remember) and then end up making those green items into a scroll and make profit on their investment. Now back to tailoring, I started leveling it around 7:30 pm my time I ran into an immediate road block, linen cloth was way too expensive to level up on. So I did some research and found out that linen cloth is incredibly easy to get now without ever having to set foot into a dungeon, you can just go to sentinel hill and there's a pack of gnolls just past the inn that instantly respawn. I spent about 20 or so minutes spamming holy nova and looting and got 13 stacks of linen cloth rather quickly and everything died in 1 shot and weren't elite mobs. I highly recommend this place for any lower level alliance character looking to make some extra income while leveling. What are some cool farming spots that you found either by accident or by researching?

Friday, March 18, 2011

What I've been doing!!!

Sorry that I haven't posted in a few days, was working on giving away all of my stuff and switching over to moonrunner-alliance. So right now I have a level 83 (almost 84) human priest, 75 night elf druid and 68 human death knight and am working on finishing that priest and get him to 85 and then I will be getting tailoring/enchanting on the priest, alchemy/JC on the druid and then later on leveling up the death knight and putting alchemy/mining onto him for double alchemy transmutes. Today I actually went to the JMTC weekly friday meeting and a topic that I had not heard about came up, the black tabby. Now the black tabby was originally a horde only pet available as a drop from a mob in silverpine forest. It's currently available from doing some research on wowhead.com from any mob in hillsbrad foothills, I did a little farming during the meeting, about 30 minutes or so, just going around killing the naga in the south part of hillsbrad. I came up with nothing, however I did look up the price on sargeras-alliance on theunderminejournal.com and there was no price listed, so I am thinking that people don't know about the new drop chance and will still pay the pre-cataclysm price. So go on out and find items that may have had their drop rates changed and see if you can make a profit from the lack of knowledge of other people. What are some of the items, that have had their drop rates changed, that you have sold successfully since cataclysm has launched?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Weekly Update

This is a new segment here at Kaos Theory of Gold Making where I will be telling you what I did through the week. Well I finally found some farmers around last wednesday or so and actually laid them off a few days later do to an idea I had. I'm gonna be leveling up my warlock to 75 and putting alchemy/Jewelcrafting on him and my rogue will be dropping jewelcrafting for blacksmithing (so I don't have to get another 85). My warlock's leveling is going greater i plan to be hitting 75 either today or tomorrow and then I will be working on getting the mats for blacksmithing/Jewelcrafting/Alchemy so I can power level all of them up to at least 425 in 1 day. I've actually been having trouble making and continue making gold this week, for whatever reason the enchanting scroll markets are not favorable to be in on my server (or at least most of them). Well this is pretty much what happened in my week, so what happened during your guys's week?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Archaeology, why you should do it

I quite recently started to level my warlock past level 70 in Borean Tundra, I've done this zone and all of the northrend zones at least 5 times over the course of Wrath of the Lich King since i was changing servers so often. I got bored about 10-20 quests in and then an aquaitance on the JMTC IRC pointed out that you can skip northrend by doing archaeology, I then proceeded to go with his advice. I started out and went to my first dig site, which was in stranglethorn vale, and did my first survey and ok I got an artifact and then i noticed that I got 11730 xp for 1 artifact and I was like game on and got up to 135ish archaeology and started to gain levels mad fast, unfortunately I don't think you get any xp for solving artifacts. I also noticed that the common items vendored for 1 gold coin each and I looked to see if it was a bug or a glitch, but blizzard buffed the vendor value of the items in the recent patch. I believe that the xp/hour is much higher than questing is and I believe if you want you can exploit this, if you're not after zin'rokh or any epic like that for your main character, by simply not skilling up the profession past 450 and I believe you will still get insane amounts of experience points.

Thanks for reading and please leave a comment below and follow my blog and feel free to ad me to your blogroll and email me and I will do the same for you.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Enchanting Spreadsheet

  After reading some other blogs for the past couple of days I noticed that alot of them are using excel spreadsheets, now I'm not against this but I thought I'd throw a little spreadsheet together for myself on google docs. Here is the spreadsheet I made and with the help of the JMTC community on the IRC channel adjusted and tweaked it. To be able to edit it (if i set it up correctly) just make a copy of the spreadsheet and save it to your google account, now let me explain it a little bit the first column is simply the name column where I put all the enchanting scroll names (abreviated and shortened). Colum B is simply the materials needed for each enchant abreviated to save some space (no I do not know why there is a huge gap between columb B1 and B2). Ok now here is the fun part, Column C is hopefully the cost for each scroll if you were to sell it for mats cost on the Auction House. Column D is basically the same thing but with a 20% extra margin. Column  E is the difference between both of column D and C and hopefully will be the profit that you can expect to make for each of the scrolls.  Column F and G are both  the Mats and their costs. Hopefully you will notice that column G has all of its boxes highlight yellow these are the values that you will have to change by putting in the cost of each individual enchanting mat (for example if hypnotic dust costs 5g35s each you will put 5.35 into the yellow box). Hopefully this spreadsheet will help you make gold with enchanting scrolls and get you thinking about the cost of all the steps into making an enchanting scroll.
Thanks for reading please leave a comment below and possibly leave a suggestion for a topic you would like to read about.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The goods and Evils of prospecting

After countless hours worth of work I've finally found 1-3 ore farmers for my jewelcrafting and they're even selling it to me in my favor because they have so much of it. Now this post is more of a rant than an informational post so I'll keep it short with pros and cons.
  • If you can get it for a favorable amount you can easily make gold
  • Makes the rare gems you get "free" if you get below 54g per stack
  • Takes a long time
  • Can possibly die from boredom and/or zone out and appear to be a zombie
My View on the subject:  Personally I think that if you need the gold (less than five thousand gold) it's worth it, even if some people disagree with me. However you will definately be bored out of your mind so I definately think that you should throw on a movie or a tv show on the television before undertaking more than sixty stacks.
Thanks for reading please leave a comment below and I'll post when I think up something new. Also you can leave a suggestion for a post in my email @ varnoa@gmail.com or in your comment.

Monday, March 7, 2011

storage wars, how it translates to world of warcraft gold making

        Hello again, today I will be writing about a show, called Storage Wars. Now you may be asking yourself what does a tv show on A&E have anything to do with making gold in world of warcraft, the answer is quite simple you can translate the the people from storage wars into running your auction house business in the video game. Now we will be talking about the main 4 people in storage wars dave, darell, jarrod, and barry.

We will go in order i guess, a dave is a person or auctioneer who has a large bankroll but they also have that mindset that if you get in my way, you're going to get ran over by my big machine that I'm running. They usually have a large scale business, such as all the professions and they have the experience that to back themselves up in the auction house and you also cannot steal these people's money. The reason you cannot steal their money is because they can just move over to different markets and they usually have been playing the auction house for at least 6 months to a few years so they know what is usually profitable and when to switch markets or they know when they can buy and then sell 1-3 months down the road. These kind of people also can and usually will over spend in order to either A. raise the price of an item up or B. to keep other people out of that market.       

The second person, darrell, is the type of person that likes to gamble on flipping big ticket items and usually has a riskier business plan, but they have the capital to sustain their business of item flipping. They usually are after that thrill of making a ton of gold on flipping an epic for 20k that they won on a bid for 8-10k, and they usually have the attitude of gamble big or don't gamble at all and are usually the people that know they can lose big, but can also win big. For example, let's take mysterious fortune cards which are currently going for 25 gold each on my auction house. I know people who have spent thousands of gold on a chance to win 5k gold, these people are abundant on many servers across all of the us realms in the world of warcraft, for clarification you usually will lose if you buy mysterious fortune cards.

The third person we will be talking about is jarrod, now this is the type of person that many people, including myself, find themselves in. They are usually people who are just starting up in the auction house bussiness and don't have a massive amount of gold or more than a couple professions and are usually prone to being called the "bottom feeder" or being one themselves, that means searching for those deals where they cannot lose money because they cannot afford to lose said money. These are also usually the people that undercut people significantly on the auction house so that they can sell their items faster and usually are the people who get bought out by the bigger fish in the pond and are also the people who are willing to take that little to no profit in order to make a larger profit later down the road in the future. These are also the people that remember when the daves and darrells try to push them around in the auction house and will usually mess with a market when they can, for example in one of the episodes the storage auctions were based in las vegas, nevada and jarrod didn't forget what darrell and dave did to him earlier in season 1 by running him up in the storage auction forcing him to make less money and often he went home without stock to stock his shelves of his business. Now what jarrod did was bid both dave and darell up above 300 dollars for both of their units.

Ok the final and last person we will be talking about is Barry. Now barry isn't in the storage auctions/auction house to make money they're there in order to find collectibles. Now how this translates over to wow is that there's these people that most of the wow population call completionists which basically means they want all the professions, at least all of the classes each a different race and they usually want all the different specializations of each profession. Now you can make alot of money off of these people by jacking the price of a rare recipe that you find out questing by 500% and they usually will pay that amount. Now these people also can and in most cases do have a significant amount of wealth to help them do this but they're only after the stuff they don't have so to cater to this you usually need to keep diversifying and getting new items/recipes so that when these completionists look for new recipes they see yours and buy them.

My Thoughts
Now my personal belief is that the majority of us are jarrods, but there's about 2 or 3 daves and darells on the smaller servers and about 10 of them on the larger servers. Now I am not saying go out and classify each auctioneer as these 4 stereotypes, I'm just simply saying that you can make alot of gold by either A. being a dave who controls markets as best they can by buying up everything within reason, B. being the bottom feeder and grabbing up and bidding so that you can supply your professions with mats so that you can craft the items that will eventually make you money, C. taking that chance on an item and absorbing the losses and wins as they come, or D. Catering to the barrys out there who want to complete everything and don't usually care what they cost. Personally I believe it's better to be a combination of a Dave and a Jarrod, which is you have a ton of professions let's say the 6 most profitable professions but you don't have a ton of money behind you, let's say 20k for this example. So you either go out and find someone that can supply you, usually a botter or farmer or you scavenge the AH and when you see that perfect de3al you dive in head first because you know that it's a good find and that you won't see it at that price for a long time. Thanks for reading and please leave a comment below.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Darkmoon Faire, make it work for you

Today, we'll be talking about an occurance that happens once a month in wow, yes i'm talking about the darkmoon faire that travels acrossed azeroth and arrives in a major city once a month. Now I'm sure you're going to ask how does this have anything to do with making gold, well there's 4 npcs there that offer repeatable quests and I'm going to tell you how to best take advantage of this every month to make metric crap tons of gold as the europeans would put it. Now the ways to make gold at the Darkmoon Fair are quite diverse but they always lead to one little item, darkmoon faire prize tokens which can be turned in for prizes at the fair. Now the 3 prizes that i would focus on if i was doing it for gold making are minor, lesser and greater darkmoon prizes which can be obtained by turning in 5, 12, or 40 darkmoon faire prize tokens to Gelvas Grimegate at the darkmoon faire.
The first npc we will be visiting is Chronos. Now chronos offers 3 quests the first being Carnival Boots, which requires you to turn in 3 embossed leather boots and it gives you 1 DMF (darkmoon faire) prize token, however you cannot do this quest once you are past 500/3000 neutral with the darkmoon faire. So i recommend that you not do this one, but it is an option for the lower level characters that are under level 40. The second quest that you can do is Carnival Jerkins. This quest requires that you turn in Toughened Leather Armor it also has a level requirement of 10. This quest gives you 4 DMF prize tokens and cannot be done past 1100/3000 neutral which is about 6 times. The last and final quest that this npc offers is Armor Kits and More Armor Kits which requires you to turn in 8 rugged armor kits. More armor kits is repeatable after you complete the first quest armor kits and awards 20 DMF prize tokens per turn in, in my opinion greater for leatherworkers who have extra rugged leather they can't get rid of or would like to trade in for DMF prize tokens. However there is a small level requirement of level 40 which can be a barrier for some alts or even some mains depending on your situation.
Yebb Nebelgear:
The second npc we will be talking about is a little gnome who has a need for drops off of mobs out in azeroth. This npc has a total of 6 quests so i will just do a numbered list with a small description to save time for both you and myself.
  1. Small furry paws - this quest requires you to turn in 5 small furry paws for 1 DMF prize token. There is no level requirement on this, however you cannot repeat this quest after 500/3000 reputation into neutral
  2. Torn Bear pelts - this quest is available at level 10 and it requires you to turn in 5 torn bear pelts for 4 DMF prize tokens. This quest is not able to be repeated after you are at 1100/3000.
  3. Soft Bushy Tails - this quest requires that you turn in 5 small bushy tails for 8 DMF prize tokens. It's a good deal but there's a catch you cannot repeat it after 1700/3000 neutral reputation level.
  4. Vibrant Plumes - this quest requires that you turn in 5 vibrant plumes for 12 DMF prize tokens, however it is not repeatable past 2500/3000 neutral reputation.
  5. Evil Bat eyes - this quest requires that you turn in 10 evil bat eyes for 20 DMF prize tokens, but has a level minimum requirement of level 40. This is 1 of the best 2 quests that this npc offers because there's no limits on how many you can turn in and gives the most DMF prize tokens that are available at the fair from repeatable quests. These items are usually farmed from bats and the best place to farm them is in karazhan from the shadowbats and the bat boss that reside in there.
  6. Glowing Scorpid Blood - this quest is the 2nd best quest from this npc. Has the same number of items as the evil bat eyes quests with the same amount of DMF prize tokens awarded. However it is loads easier to farm these damn things, just go to silithus and kill every scorpion you see there and you're bound to come out with a considerable amount of these things. But this has 1 downside, it has a minimum level requirement of level 40.

Kerri Hicks:
The third npc we will be visiting is kerri hicks. Now this human npc has 5 quests that you can complete for various numbers of DMF prize tokens and also has the fabled and widely talked about dense grinding stone turn-in.
  1. Coarse weightstone - requires that you turn-in 10 coarse weightstones for 1 DMF prize token. This quest cannot be completed past 500/3000 neutral reputation. This quest has a minimum level of 1. I would skip this quest personally, it is not worth the 1 token.
  2. Heavy Grinding Stone - this quest has a minimum level of 10 and requires you to turn in 7 heavy grinding stones for 4 tickets and is not repeatable past 1100/3000 reputation with the darkmoon faire.
  3. Green Iron Bracers - this quest is repeatable up to 1700/3000 reputation and requires you to turn in 3 green iron bracers for 8 DMF prize tokens, but is not available until level 20.
  4. Big Black Mace - this repeatable quest isn't available until level 30, but is repeatable up to 2500/3000 and gives 12 DMF prize tokens for just 1 Big Black Mace.
  5. Dense Grinding Stones - This quest is obtainable at level 40 and is indefinately repeatable no matter the repuation level. It is widely used as a simple and easy way to make gold because you only need to turn in 8 dense grinding stones and you recieve 20 DMF prize tokens in return. I highly recommend this one since you can just sit in orgrimmar/stormwind and poach any dense stone under 3g per stack which is about 15s per stone and then have a blacksmith, either yourself or a friend mass craft dense grinding stones. Very efficient way to accumulate DMF prize tokens without a huge time investment or gold investment.

The fourth and final npc at the Darkmoon Faire that we will be focusing on is rinling. This crafty troll has a variety of quests available for turn ins that focus more on engineering items than the other professions.
  1. Copper Modulator - this quest is repeatable up to 500/3000 reputation with the darkmoon faire. It is obtainable at level 1, requires you to turn in 5 copper modulators and awards 1 DMF prize token.
  2. Whirring Bronze Gizmo - this quest is repeatable up to 1100/3000 reputation level. It awards 4 DMF prize tokens, requires level 10 to even obtain it and requires that you turn in 7 whirring bronze gizmos per completion.
  3. Green Fireworks - this quest is repeatable up to 1700/3000 reputation level. It awards 8 DMF prize tokens, requires that you be level 20 to obtain it and it costs 36 green fireworks per completion of the quest.
  4. Mechanical Repair Kit - this quest is repeatable up to 2500/3000 reputation level. It awards 12 DMF prize tokens, requires that you be level 30 to obtain the quest and each turn in will cost you 6 mechanical repair kit.
  5. Thorium Widget - the last and final quest that we will be talking about is Thorium Widgets. This quest is obtainable at level 40, has no limits for turning in the items and gives 20 DMF prize tokens for each turn in, which costs 6 thorium widgets each.

Gelvas Grimegate:
This cunning goblin is the Darkmoon Faire prize token turn in vendor. He offers nine repeatable quests, however we will only be focusing on the three quests that offers the best chances to making gold.
  1. Minor Darkmoon Prize - This is one of the three repeatable rewards quests. It costs 5 DMF prize tokens and awards a bag which can contain various rare gear, uncommon gear, and recipes. You can find the full listing of prizes http://www.wowhead.com/item=19298#contains.
  2. Lesser Darkmoon Prize - This is the second of the three repeatable rewards quests. It costs 12 DMF prize tokens and awards a bag which can contain a wider selection of uncommon and rare gear and higher level recipes than the minor darkmoon prize. A full listing of what can be found inside these bags is at http://www.wowhead.com/item=19297#contains.
  3. Greater Darkmoon Prize - This is the most costing of the three rewards, however it also has the highest level of uncommon and rare gear along with the rarest recipes in vanilla wow. A full listing of what can be obtained from this prize token can be found at http://www.wowhead.com/item=19296#contains.

My recommendations:
I recommend that you only focus on the level 40 repeatable quests of your choice. However if you are of a lower level the other options can be quite useful. I also recommend that you spread your prize tokens out among the three prize options that are available currently. Finally I highly recommend that you focus primarily on dense grinding stones as it is the cheapest way to get prize tokens, at least on my server.

I'm still accepting any and all requests for future blog posts about anything along the lines of gold making in the world of warcraft. I do not do this for myself, I do this for my audience (you) and I am hear because of you.

    Saturday, March 5, 2011

    Coilfang reservoir, a goldmine in cata?

    Sorry that I haven't posted in a while, have had blogger's block. Ok now onto the topic for today, sanguine hibiscus. These little flowers can be farmed in one of the coilfang resevoir dungeons which I believe is the underbog. Now these flowers are used to gain reputation with the sporeggar reputation in zangarmarsh, there's about 10-15 per dungeon run and you can stealth run or take an 85 and go around collecting these. On my server they're are worth about 8-15g each and it varies almost every other day. I believe these items are recieving some attention from both the buyer's and the seller's eyes because they are easy to obtain and they help with one of the achievements for guild achievements which is get 50 reputations to exalted. The easiest way to obtain these is obviously just doing a run of the underbog without aggroing any mobs, if posssible do it on a toon with herbalism and you can also collect any herbs along the way, I believe that ancient lichen is plentiful in this dungeon. The second item we'll be talking about is coilfang armaments, now unlike sanguine hibiscus these drop off of the mobs in the steam vaults and are used for cenarion expedition reputation in zangarmarsh. On my server the armaments go for about 15g each, maybe a little more. Now the simplest way to obtain these is to do a full clear of steam vaults which for an 85 can take anywhere from 15-30 minutes depending on gear level, spec and class. This can also be a good source of green items for disenchantment for TBC enchanting mats. I urge everyone to try these methods of making gold and to check the prices on your Auction House before going off and doing these dungeons.
    I will try to write more blog posts more often and am also taking suggestions on what to write about because I'm here because of you guys and would very much like to hear what all of you would like to read about.

    Saturday, February 26, 2011

    Blackrock Depths, how profitable is it?

    I was trying to figure out what to write about for today so i looked at my reputation tab and noticed i can use thorium brotherhood badly, so i went and grabbed all the cheap fiery cores off the AH, just to make sure i had enough. So i started this BRD run just like any other, first i turned left opened the gate and did a full clear of Dark Iron Highway for Relic Coffer Keys. I then double backed and went right and took the first right door to go to the East Garrison and then into the ring of law. I then went around the edge (i usually don't do ring of law) over to the shrine of thaurissan to kill pyromancer loregrain for that rare drop of Enchant weapon fiery formula. I then head north to the domiciles area clearing as I go and make my way to the Black Vault to kill verek and his master so that i can open all 12 vaults to summon watchman doomgrip to recieve his loot which will be below the unopenable vault in the middle. I then go through the hall of crafting killing fineous darkvire before I continue to the Black Anvil to kill lord incendious. This is the point where I was lost for 5 or so minutes (I know noob move), I finally found my way back to the East Garrison and as i was entering it from the upper ring of law area i turned right and stealthed down that hallway to the West Garrison where I first killed General Angerforge before making my way to the manufactory. Here i killed Golem Lord Argelmach and then headed east to the Grim Guzzler. As you enter turn left and go into that small section, smash the 3 kegs to summon hurley blackbreath, then exit and turn left and talk to ribbly screwspig. Then kill him and his goons and head upstairs, I then talked to the quartermaster to rep up to exalted and bought all 3 weapon enchant recipes. Here is where I stock up on dark iron ale mugs for the Darkmoon Faire pet frog which sell for about 10g for 2, talk to the gnome named plugger spazzring to buy 10 of these mugs for dirt cheap and then loot the 5 mugs on the table. Then turn around and kill Plugger and his goons. This next part was a little confusing for me, I cleared the bar while waiting for guards that i thought came and unlocked the door, after vendoring stuff and being afk for about 10 minutes no guards had spawned so I looked and the door was open and ran through the phalanx. For the last part take the first door on the left as you exit the Grim Guzzler and kill the ambassador down there. I then hearthed, disenchanted all the blues and greens and ended up with 4 lesser eternal essence, 6 dream dust, 8 large brilliant shards, 2 Greater Nether essence, some rare recipes, a libram of tenacity, some uncommon gems from the black vault, and some stacks of runecloth along with about 6g in trash loot and vendoring some items. Overall this took me about 20-30 minutes and was a great experience for getting a reputation to exalted.

    Thursday, February 24, 2011

    Is it ok to sell your competition's wares on the Auction House.

    In Today's Post I will be writing about something that has come up alot on podcasts, in guild chat, in the jmtc irc, which is the question is it ok to sell your competition's stuff on the AH. The answer is plainly yes but let me go into more detail with Pros and Cons and I'll list a couple of each with some explanation.

    • you increase your stock while also simultaneously decreasing your competition's stock.
    • you close the gap between the prices which in the long term will net you more overall gold
    • you can have a positive effect on the price, by buying stock you lessen the amount of overall stock on the AH and the price only goes up with reduced supply.
    Explanation of Pros: One of the major concerns to any auctioneer is do I stock than my competition. Now what the first pro is saying is you can buy your competition's stock at a price less than the current market value, if it's below that, and increase your overall stock and hopefully decrease your competitor's stock so that they'll have to go craft more. The remaining two pros are sort of lumped together, what they're saying is that if there's a significant price gap you can close that gap and make a profit. For instance let's say player A has copper ore listed at 10s each and player B as copper ore listed at 35s each, in this situation Player B, if they have the option to, should buy player A's auctions and relist them at their 35s each price. What this does is allow you to make more profit while your competition makes slim to no profit and loses stock, this also can and should have a positive effect on the price of the goods that they're buying. The only way it doesn't raise the price is if there's too many people undercutting people to hell.

    • your competition could just be trying to dump stock while also lowering the price
    • your competitors could be trying to wall others off from the market so that in order to sell something they'll have to post below the wall and then the waller just snatches them up and continues thus aquiring stock
    Explanation: The first con is a situation many auctioneers find themselves in. Quite recently I found myself in a situation where i was sitting on dead money, which is stock that won't move fast, in the form of hypnotic dust I just couldn't sell it. Everytime i tried posting it in the form of scrolls or raw mats i was undercut instantly. So what i did was post my stock in stacks of 5 about 35s-75s I was still undercut which gave me a perfect way to snatch up some cheap mats for a rainy day, so I started to pick up stacks of dust for scrolls for later on. What this did was allow me to craft lower than my competitors hopefully could craft for. The only difficulty about this strategy is that you need alot of stock in order to maintain the wall to get enough stock to make it worth your while
    So if you find yourself in a situation where you can easily buy your competitors wares think carefully and analyze your situation, try buying some of the underpriced stock and make a mental note of how many stacks of x amount were there and then come back in 5 minutes to see if the stock on the Auction House has rejuvenated or if it has stayed the same.

    Top 10 Things you should stockpile for patch 4.1

    As many of you know Patch 4.1 was announced today on mmo-champion.com. In this Patch they are reintroducing Zul'gurub and Zul'aman as 5 player heroic dungeons that will be available via the dungeon finder. I was in the Justmytwocopper irc channel today when some one asked what they should stockpile for the upcoming first major content patch of the cataclysm expansion. So i decided to make my first post about the 10 things you should stockpile with a brief description next to each one listing my opinion on them.
    1. Cataclysm leg armors/spellthreads - obviously the epic items will be upgrades for most people and these will spike in demand.
    2. Inferno rubies, demonseyes, Ember topazes and Dream Emeralds - all the epic items i'm assuming will have gem sockets so people will need these to gear out their toon.
    3. Flasks, potions, elixirs - These raids that these heroics were based on were some of the most difficult fights of their time and i expect people will want to grab up some flasks for these.
    4. fortune cookies/buff foods - I'm expecting these will see a demand spike seeing as people won't want to use these in current heroics because they're too easy, i'm expecting these new ones to be even harder and people will want that extra push.
    5. Ebonsteel Belt Buckles - Same reason as #1
    6. Enchants - same reason as #1
    7. Shield Spikes/titanium plating - tanks will be replacing their shields and will need a spike or an encahnt for that shield.
    8. Epics - This probably isn't a viable option, but the theory i have behind this is that alts and mains alike will want epics before they go into these heroics.
    9. Glyphs/decks - This is a long shot such as #8, but if some1 was doign the bear minimum (ex. only getting glyphs for 1 spec) they may want to get more glyphs for more specs or alts that are being pushed to 85 for these new heroics
    10. Materials for all the aforementioned  - If you can't get into any of the previously mentioned items whether it be not enough time, not enough gold, or whatever I highly recommend this option seeing as there may be a price increase of 5-10% it could be very profitable for you. This means stocking herbs, uncut gems, cloth, leather, volatiles etc for the patch.
    This is my Top 10 options to prepare for 4.1, these are all long-term investments which can tie up your gold for weeks-months depends on when we'll see the patch. However if you plan on going with any of these ideas i recommend that you go wtih 1-7 and 10, options 8 and 9 are just theories and speculations. I personally will be going with Enchants and Gems.

    Please leave a comment at the bottom and I'll try to bring another post in the next few days. Thank you for reading.